TMT Steel Bars


TMT Steel Bars

We are likewise sending out TMT (Thermo Mechanical Treatment) Bars Cut Length Material particularly in TATA according to your prerequisites with very much propelled innovation, that will diminish your work expense and wastage. The broadly useful is solid support structures like Homes, Apartments, Hospitals, Hotels, Auditoriums, Bridges, Dams, Flyovers, Thermal and Hydel - Power Plants, Industrial Structures; High-ascent structures Earthquake-delicate zones, Underground stages in Metro Railways and Rapid Transport framework. Particular 6 mm to 40 mm Grade FE 500.

  • It is widely used product in construction industry
  • It is works as a core in any concrete structures.
  • By use of TMT the size of the column and beam are reduced as it give more strength to structures.
  • TMT or Thermo Mechanical Treatment Bars stands for Thermo Mechanically Treated Bars.
  • After the hot rolling the bars are subsequently quenched in water with high pressure resulting its surface attaining higher tensile strength are being softer.

Due to the above reason TMT has substituted conventional CTD bars.